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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2024 year, number 3

Investigating the contact thermal resistances of lead in a heat conducting sublayer

A.B. Kruglov, V.I. Rachkov, I.G. Merinov, V.S. Kharitonov, L.P. Paredes
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: pulse heating method, thermal resistance of liquid lead contact with steel and ceramics, heat-conducting liquid-metal sublayer in fuel rods


The article presents the results of pulse heating measurements for the thermal resistances of contacts of liquid lead with Al2O3 ceramics and steel in gaps, modeling a heat conducting liquid-metal sublayer in the developed fuel rods of fast reactors of a new generation. The method of obtaining and processing experimental data is described, the results of estimating the measurement error are presented, and the dependence of thermal resistances of liquid lead contacts in model gaps on temperature and number of melting and crystallization of lead is investigated. Based on the experimental results, the thermal resistance of a heat conducting liquid-metal sublayer in fuel rods is evaluated.