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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2024 year, number 3

Features of nitrogen boiling dynamics on microstructured porous coatings

D.V. Kuznetsov, A.N. Pavlenko
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: boiling, heat transfer, capillary-porous coatings, liquid nitrogen


The effect of capillary-porous coatings obtained by the method of directed plasma spraying on the dynamics of evaporation and heat transfer during nitrogen boiling under conditions of steady-state heat release on copper tubular heaters with a diameter of 16 mm was experimentally studied. It is shown that the presence of coatings leads to an increase in the critical heat flux relative to a smooth heater and heat transfer intensification by the factor of up to 3.5 in the region of low heat fluxes. According to the analysis of high-speed video filming, intensification of heat transfer at low heat fluxes is associated with a significant activation of stably operating nucleation sites. With a subsequent increase in the heat load, intensification relates to a significant contribution of high-intensity heat transfer in the macrolayer zone in local areas between the ridges of structured coatings. It is shown that there is a decrease in the slope of boiling curves of the modified heaters in the pre-crisis regimes, determined by the pulsating behavior of interfaces and accompanied by significant fluctuations in the surface temperature.