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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2024 year, number 3

Numerical simulation of effective turbulent heat transfer at transverse streamlining of a rod bundle

M.V. Bayaskhalanov1, I.G. Merinov1, M.I. Pisarevskiy1, V.S. Kharitonov1, A.E. Aksenova2, V.A. Pervichko2, V.V. Chudanov2
1National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia
2Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russia Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: fast reactors, liquid metal coolants, anisotropic porous body models, DNS modeling, comparison with experimental data, effective heat conductivity coefficient


The paper presents the results of the study of effective turbulent heat transfer along a rod bundle at its transverse streamlining, performed using the CONV-3D code based on the DNS approach. To determine the effective heat conductivity coefficient, the mixing of two plane-parallel coolant flows, moving at the same velocities and having different inlet temperatures in the working area was simulated. Comparison of the calculation results with experimental data for water has confirmed the usability of numerical modeling instead of real experiments. Such a replacement of a real experiment with its computational analogue is relevant for investigation of liquid metal coolants.