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Advanced Search

Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2024 year, number 8

System for metal vapor active medium excitation for non-typical lasing modes

N.V. Karasev, V.O. Troitskii, V.A. Dimaki, M.V. Trigub
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: metal vapor laser, train-pulse mode, single-pulse mode, continuous control


Expansion of the functional capabilities of lasers in general and metal vapor lasers in particular is a relevant problem. Its solution is associated with both the study of the kinetics of processes in laser media and the development of new excitation systems. In this work, a system for exciting metal vapor active medium is suggested. It consists of three pumping sources, a synchronization system, and software. High voltage pulses are generated by three independent inverters; thyratrons are used as switches. The main capabilities of the system and the prospects for its use for implementing non-typical lasing modes are considered.