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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2024 year, number 8

Variability of the surface electric field under the influence of meteorological conditions according to observations in Tomsk

K.N. Pustovalov1,2, P.V. Nagorskiy1, M.V. Oglezneva1, S.V. Smirnov1,2
1Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
2National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: meteorological observations, atmospheric electricity, electric field potential gradient, wind direction


The electric field of the atmosphere, along with electrical conductivity and ionization of air, is the main characteristic of atmospheric electricity, which is a set of electrical phenomena occurring in the atmosphere, including in clouds and precipitation. There is a close connection between the intensity (potential gradient) of the atmospheric electric field and the topography and landscape of an area and meteorological parameters. A disruption of the normal electric field, characteristic of fair-weather conditions, occurs during the formation and development of clouds, precipitation, thunderstorm, etc. In general, the variability of the electric field is determined by a number of individual or combined factors, both of global and regional (or local) character. Therefore, studying and understanding the functioning of the Global Electric Circuit and its local variability seems to be a relevant scientific problem, especially in the context of the modern climate change. The variability of the electric field potential gradient and meteorological parameters is analyzed in this work based on long-term observations in a large urban settlement. The analysis shows a pronounced dependence of the potential gradient on the wind direction in fair-weather conditions, especially in winter, associated, we believe, with aerosol transfer. We also found that the variability of the surface electric field, including seasonal and daily variations, under all meteorological conditions significantly differs from the variability under exceptionally fair-weather conditions. The results are in good agreement with similar studies at other observation sites located near large populated areas, and are of interest for simulating the state and variability of the Global Electric Circuit depending on various physiographic and meteorological conditions.