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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2024 year, number 10

Fuzzy Logic-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Earthquake-Prone Areas: A Case Study of the Mila Basin, Algeria

W. Chettah1, S. Mezhoud2, M. Baadeche3, R. Hadji4
1Laboratory of Geology and Environment, Algeria
2Laboratory of Materials and Construction Durability (LMDC), Algeria
3Department of Land Survey, Algeria
4Laboratory of Applied Research in Engineering Geology, Geotechnics, Water Sciences and Environment, Algeria
Keywords: Earthquake-triggered landslides, fuzzy operators, GIS, seismic hazard, susceptibility maps, Mila basin


This research focuses on analyzing landslides triggered by a moderate earthquake ( Mw = 4.9) in the northeastern region of the Mila province, which resulted in significant damage and economic losses in the El Kherba district and Grarem Gouga city. Through an extensive field-based investigation, a comprehensive inventory of landslides has been compiled. To assess the susceptibility to landslides triggered by seismic activity, a GIS-based fuzzy logic model was employed. The model incorporates various input factors, such as lithology, slope angle, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), distance from rivers and roads, precipitation, and seismic hazard, which is shown on a map. The study compares the performance of different fuzzy operators and gamma values and determines that using fuzzy gamma operators with a gamma value of 0.8 yields a satisfactory consistency with the distribution of landslides. Moreover, incorporating the map of seismic hazard as a causative factor enhances the accuracy of landslide susceptibility mapping. This study underscores the utility of the fuzzy logic model in disaster management and the planning of development activities.