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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 3

Reflection on developments in the course “Fundamentals of Russian Statehood” in the context of the mental revolution

Yu. V. Vostryakova
Samara State Transport University, Samara, Russia
Keywords: Fundamentals of Russian statehood course, mental revolution, ideological dominants, reflection


Introduction. The emergence of new disciplines in the educational FSES always requires increased attention, especially in the context of the ongoing socio-cultural dynamics of Russian society, defined as a mental revolution. The process of changing worldviews is complex and multifaceted. The new “Fundamentals of Russian Statehoodˮ course for higher education is one of the launching pads for the formation of a new model of worldview, and this is not only a nationwide problem. This issue is embedded in the global geopolitical process and is influenced by many factors. Based on research, as a result of the first experience of working with this course, a socio-philosophical reflection on the image of the future of Russia in the value consciousness of Russian youth arose. Methodology. The reflection is based on the results of a pilot survey of students studying the “Fundamentals of Russian Statehoodˮ course, as well as observations obtained during the implementation of the program. Discussion. The paper defines the practical tasks of teaching the “Fundamentals of Russian Statehoodˮ course in the context of the mental revolution. The problems are identified, the realization of which occurs as a result of reflection on the first experience of working with a new course. According to the results of the survey of students, it was concluded that the teaching of this course has a number of methodological difficulties, but, most importantly, the presentation of the material should not turn into ideological agitation. Conclusion. The educational process is closely connected with the formation of ideological dominants that correlate with the existence of national identity. The study confirms that the implementation of the “Fundamentals of Russian Statehoodˮ course requires convincing patriotic theoretical and methodological approaches implemented within the framework of the spiritual self-determination of the younger generation.