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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 3

Human dignity in the context of the introduction of bioneurotechnologies

V. V. Polich
Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Order of Zhukov named after Army General I.K. Yakovlev of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: philosophical methodology, human dignity, bioethical dignity, biotechnology, neurotechnology, genetic engineering, bioethics


Introduction. The modern scientific and technological progress of biomedical technologies requires the development of new philosophical and methodological structures and models in the field of bioethics to explain human dignity. The need to comprehend new interpretations of human dignity is due to the transformation of the unique human nature, which is exposed to the latest technological artifacts. The problem is actualized by the insufficient interpretation of the concept of “dignity” from the point of view of classical humanistic, natural science and theological concepts, which in the ethical space do not care for each other. The methodology of critical rationalism and dialectics allows us to analyze modern scientific views on human dignity through the prism of bioethical principles and practical knowledge in the field of biotechnology. The analysis of humanistic, natural science and medical-social approaches allows us to determine the place of new interpretative approaches to understanding dignity in modern philosophy. Discussion. As a subject of scientific research, the human body is studied by a wide interdisciplinary range of scientific directions, which is an important guarantee of its comprehensive study. Biotechnologies, the scope of which extends both to the field of health conservation and activities to change/improve human characteristics, lead to the emergence of a new phenomenon “bioethical dignity”, integrating the components of the classical semantic content of dignity and the essential aspects of bioethics. The reasons for the segmentation of bioethical dignity into cognitive, genomic and genetic dignity are considered. Conclusion. Biotechnologies as modern methods of restoring and improving human nature have an impact on life values. That is why bioethics is rapidly gaining a unique place among the sources of formation of the content of the concept of human dignity.