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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 3

Secondary orphanhood in the structure of crisis states modern family institution

O. B. Istomina
Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: family institution, family crisis states, destructive family, secondary orphanhood, distortion of parental behavior, substitute family, adaptation of the adopted child


Introduction. The problems of secondary orphanhood are evidence of the crisis states of the institution of the family. The complexity of child-parent relationships in foster families is due to the destruction of traditional imperatives and positive models of intrafamily interaction. Distortion of parental behavior, unpreparedness and/or inability to fulfill parental duties are the basic cause of social orphanhood. Of particular concern, due to the scaling of the negative experience of family communication and its transfer to their own families by an orphan child, is secondary orphanhood, defined as the object of this study. The methodological basis of the study was dialectical and systemic methods-approaches. The author explores the factors and consequences of secondary orphanhood, the mechanisms of their minimization. The object is studied from the standpoint of socio-philosophical and socio-psychological analysis, which make it possible to conduct a comprehensive study of the dynamics of child-parent relations in foster families. Discussion. Statistics of orphanage in the Irkutsk region are presented and analyzed. The dynamics of social orphanhood, its factors that do not lose relevance not only in the regional locus, but also in national practice are analyzed. Objective and subjective factors of the child’s admission to the family are considered. Among the negative consequences of secondary orphanhood, the author confers the greatest risks for subsequent adaptation, socialization and inculturation on the destructive emotional state of orphans, their bitterness, the outsider complex, a reduced psychological and emotional state, loss of confidence in the adult world, aggression in interaction, various deviations, including delinquent behavior. The importance of comprehensive training programs and support for host families, support for the educational cluster in minimizing the negative consequences of secondary orphanhood is justified. The conclusion fixes the author’s position on the growth of problems at the institute of the family, in the child-parental relations of destructive families and the actualization of the issues of resocialization of orphans in foster families. The author justifies the revitalization of comprehensive support for all participants in the socialization of a child in a foster family.