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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 3

Social and philosophical design in reflection new categories of upbringing

Z. A. Aksyutina
Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: the doctrine of categories, categories, properties of categories, functions of categories, system of categories, upbringing


Introduction. When studying the categories of upbringing, it is necessary to have a certain support for the formation of a research design, the foundation of which will be the doctrine of categories. Its origins date back to the era of Ancient Greece and is based on the works of Aristotle, Plato, and Pythagoras. Significant contributions to the development of the doctrine were made by the works of I. Kant, G. F. G. Hegel, E. Husserl and others. The current state of philosophy demonstrates a decrease in interest in the problems of categories. However, the categories of upbringing were not studied. The purpose of the article: on the basis of research into the doctrine of categories, to identify strategic aspects of the socio-philosophical study of categories of upbringing. Methodology. The research methods used were general theoretical methods - analysis, synthesis and generalization method. Discussion. Based on the analysis of dictionary and encyclopedic literature, polysemy in the understanding of the category was revealed. The most common four positions in their understanding are identified. The development of ideas about the concept of “category” allows us to say that categories act as cognitive units that contribute to the transmission of the general content and meaning of phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality, with the prospect of their further specification and detail. Following A. N. Knigin, we will rely on the following properties of categories: a priori, objectivity and universality. When constructing a research design for categories of upbringing, it is important to rely on the possibility of solving a variety of scientific problems. Conclusion. The analysis of the current state of the doctrine of categories shows the ambiguity of understanding the concept of “category”, where four different meaningful constructs are distinguished. Categories have properties and functions that contribute to their deeper understanding in the concept of the teaching under study. Upbringing as an object of socio-philosophical research has not gained popularity among researchers. The category “upbringing” and its categorical apparatus remain a “blank spot” in the socio-philosophical system of knowledge. Their in-depth analysis is required to penetrate into the essence, meaning, content, in order to more productively implement target vectors in upbringing