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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 3

Philosophical foundations of cross-creative development of students in design education

O. Y. Amelina
Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia
Keywords: philosophy of education, philosophy of creativity, design education, cross-creative development, continuing education


Introduction. Currently, human creative development is becoming a key aspect not only for understanding the dynamics of economic, cultural and socio-historical processes, but also for identifying the connection of creative potential with human professional activity and determining the prospects for its further professional realization. Methodology. Philosophical views on the problem of creativity, on the study of various aspects of the “creative development” category, philosophical understanding of the creation and systematization of complex methods of training and creative development of students, the ratio of scientific views of philosophers of different periods and practitioners of design education, allowed us to talk about the cross-creative development of students. Discussion. Design, based on philosophical knowledge about cross-creativity, considers the importance of developing such an approach in design education and highlights the integration of various fields of knowledge and skills to create new and original ideas. Conclusion. Cross-creativity in design education contributes to the development of modern and creative approaches to design, as well as contributes to the creation of innovative and unique solutions, develops communication skills, the ability to cooperate and creative thinking among students and specialists in the field of design.