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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 3

General philosophical basis for the genesis of the norms of engineering education

M. I. Aldoshina, G. V. Bukalova
Orel state university named after I. S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia
Keywords: engineering education, standardization, genesis, standard of educational results, educational standard


Introduction. The legislative introduction and modern application in broad academic practice of state standards of higher education indicates a fairly high level of formation of a culture of regulation of educational activities, which is relatively new for the domestic engineering school - the culture of standardization. This actualizes the problem of philosophical and pedagogical analysis of the genesis of the norm for the result of engineering training, represented by the education standard. Determining the phenomenological understanding of the norm of the result of engineering education allows us to establish the mechanism of its natural-historical prerequisites for its occurrence, as well as the patterns of functioning and development. Methodology. Analysis of the genesis of the norm of engineering education, in the aspect of standardization, involves highlighting the relationship “the origin, emergence of the norm - the required (desired) development of the application of the norm.” The norm of the result of engineering education is conventionally presented as a “line of intersection” of the technical sphere of production, the sphere of higher education and the social sphere. This approach ensures the identification of information and semantic forms of objectification of the norm of the result of engineering education, subject to standardization in the field of engineering education. Discussion. Identification of a phenomenological understanding of the norm of engineering education allows us to connect it with the positions of standardization of education, highlighting the features of the special, the individual and the universal. The epistemological basis of the difference between “norm” and “tradition” determines the need to differentiate the content of an educational standard, as an information carrier of a set of norms, through the formation of certain normative systems. The formation of standards for engineering education determines the composition of social needs and the technical and technological level of the specialized sphere of production. The severity of the feedback between the norm of engineering education and the production and social needs of the specialized sphere of production and society determines the design of educational standards based on scientific forecasting. Conclusion. Turning to the analysis of the genesis of the norm of the result of engineering education provides the opportunity for a scientifically based objectification of its structural composition, creating the prerequisites for the effective implementation of the educational standard.