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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 3

Educational potential of genealogical research as a factor in the integration of interethnic and local communities

M. A. Abramova
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk Region, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: historical and genealogical research, genealogy, historical consciousness, ethnic consciousness, interethnic and local communities


Introduction. The actualization of historical and genealogical research is considered through the prism of the need for spiritual and moral enrichment of modern Russian society and reducing the level of conflict. The author suggests that genealogical research has an educational potential that determines the formation of historical consciousness of a person, which can become a prerequisite for integration processes in local and interethnic communities. Methodology. Consideration of the actualization of historical and cultural research is based on various interpretations of culture: as objectifying the essential forces of man (K. Marx, F. Engels); a set of stable intellectual elements that provide the memory of the world (A. Moles); the mechanism of social inheritance and the generalized way of life of the people (B. Malinowski, K. Kluckhohn); a superorganic universe, covering ideas, values, norms, their interaction and relationships (P. Sorokin), as well as the “I-concept” of D. Taylor, the concepts of the stages of formation of “historical consciousness” by E. I. Fedorinov. Discussion. Carrying out an analysis of the demand for the terms “ethnic consciousness”, “genealogical culture”, “historical consciousness”, the author comes to the conclusion that in the interpretation of E. I. Fedorinov, the latter absorbs the previous ones. A comparison of the levels of its formation with the stages that a genealogy specialist goes through in the process of his/her professional development demonstrates the functionality of the concept of “historical consciousness” and, to some extent, allows us to explain the specifics of a person’s choice of his/her position in interpersonal and interethnic interaction. Conclusion. As a result of the research, the author concludes that the formation of historical consciousness based on genealogical materials is important for the systematization of ideas about the history of the country through the embedding of historical and ancestral information in the general context of events. This becomes the key not only to self-identification, but also to the acceptance of the “Other,” which ultimately can have a positive impact on integration processes in local and interethnic communities.