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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 3

Towards a healthy society. Part 5. The relationship between education and the processes of social forecasting

E. V. Ushakova1, T. S. Kosenko2, I. V. Yakovleva2
1Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Barnaul, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: social foresight, forecasting and planning, axiosystem of educational space, human activity, education system


Introduction. Issues of social forecasting, as a rule, are considered relatively independently, partially, without their connection with the education of the population. However, the success of implementing even the best forecasts, strategies and plans ultimately depends on the subjects of educational activities. In order to carry out a comprehensive socio-philosophical analysis to identify the relationship between social forecasting and the creative activity of society and people, a systemic and philosophical methodology was applied. General social processes are analyzed from the positions of holism and partialism in the areas of forecasting and planning of the Russian educational system. Value-oriented approaches are proposed in the aspect of forming a new axiosystem of the Russian educational space. Discussion. The relationship between social foresight (forecasting, long-term and short-term planning, comprehensive implementation of strategy, tactics of social action) is revealed based on the axiological basis of society and the fundamental role of education. It is substantiated that achieving social progress and balance in society is impossible without the development and implementation of strategic programs to improve the education sector. The human problem is discussed as a key one in the development and implementation of any social strategy, since its implementation requires trained people. Each new creative generation in Russia is traditionally formed primarily by the education system. Conclusion. Issues of social forecasting should be considered holistically, in inextricable connection with the general axiosystem of the educational space. Only expanded groups of theorists and practitioners, as specially trained subjects, are capable of developing promising ideas, making social forecasts, and putting into practice the strategy and tactics of future social life.