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Region: Economics and Sociology

2024 year, number 3

MOTIVATIONAL DRIVERS OF MIGRATION (Case Study of Young People in Russia’s Arctic Zone)

I.S. Stepus1, A.O. Averyanov1, E.A. Khoteeva1, A.V. Simakova1, S.V. Shabaeva1,2
1Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russia
2Opti-Soft LLC, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Keywords: determinants of migration, motivational drivers, youth migration, motivation, factors and causes of migration, Russia’s Arctic Zone


The article introduces an approach to studying migration determinants through the socio-psychological essence of this phenomenon. The authors propose viewing migration behaviors as outcomes arising from interactions between environmental factors and individual personality traits, conceptualized under the complex framework of motivational drivers of migration. A step-by-step methodology has been developed to identify these motivational drivers, aiming to pinpoint combinations of external factors and personal characteristics most strongly correlating with migration activity. This method incorporates various statistical techniques such as factor analysis, regression analysis, chi-square independence tests, cluster analysis, and decision trees. It was applied to priority geostrategic territories among young people in Russia’s Arctic Zone. Empirical data for the study were derived from a survey of8,600 individuals aged 16-35 residing in Arctic regions across nine constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The research identifies 10 motivational drivers influencing youth migration from Arctic regions, categorized into four groups: professional opportunities, educational prospects, climate and environmental factors, and social connections. The structural components of these motivational drivers are specified, and their significance is interpreted in depth. These findings enhance existing tools for analyzing migration processes by enabling the examination of complex configurations of motivational drivers, wherein environmental conditions and personality traits interact nonlinearly to influence migration decisions. Understanding these drivers of migration holds practical implications for effectively adjusting regional socio-economic and migration policies.