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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2024 year, number 3


Valentin B. Golub1, Jean-Paul Theurillat2,3, Andrey V. Chuvashov1, Nina Yu. Stepanova4
1Samara Federal Research Center RAS, Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin RAS, Toglyatti, Russia
2University of Geneva, Shambesi, Switzerland
3Alpine Center of Phytogeography, Fondation J.-M. Aubert, Champex-Lac, Switzerland
4Main Botanical Garden named N.V. Tsitsin RAS, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: halophytic vegetation, Salicornietalia, Salicornion perennantis, Suaedion salsae, Camphorosmion annuae


Incorrect names of some syntaxa occurring in the south-eastern part of Russia from the class Thero-Salicornietea Tüxen in Tüxen et Oberdorfer 1958 have been corrected. In this region, the class Thero-Salicornietea is represented by the order Salicornietalia perennantis Golub, Theurillat, Chuvashov et Stepanova ord. nov. (= Camphorosmo-Salicornietalia Borhidi 1996 nom. inval. Art. 3o, 5a, 17) and two alliances, namely Salicornion perennantis Géhu 1992 nom. corr. (= Salicornion prostratae Géhu 1992 nom. inept.), Suaedion salsae Golub et Tchorbadze in Golub 1995 (= Suaedion acuminatae Golub et Tchorbadze in Golub 1995 corr. Lysenko et Mucina 2015 nom. superfl., Art. 29c). The first alliance includes one association Salicornietum perennantis (Soó ex Wendelberger 1943) Soó 1964 nom. corr., the second alliance includes two associations, namely Suaedetum acuminatae Golub et Tchorbadze in Golub 1995 nom corr., and Salicornio perennantis-Petrosimonietum Rukhlenko et Golub 2013 nom. corr. The associations Suaedetum acuminatae Golub et Tchorbadze in Golub 1995 and Suaedetum salsae Golub et Tchorbadze in Golub 1995 were combined into a single association under the name Suaedetum acuminatae Golub et Tchorbadze in Golub 1995 nom. corr. The authors believe that the areas of the plant communities of the alliances Salicornion perennantis Géhu 1992 nom. corr. and Suaedion salsae Golub et Tchorbadze in Golub 1995 coincide over a significant area. Their features in this total area, reflected in the floristic composition, are associated with different ecological conditions of the habitats. Additionally, the authors published the new alliance Camphorosmion annuae Golub, Theurillat, Chuvashov et Stepanova all. nov. (= Thero-Camphorosmion Vicherek 1973 nom. inval., Art. 3b), which in central Europe replaces the more eastern alliance Camphorosmo songoricae-Suaedion corniculatae Freitag, Golub et Yuritsyna 2001.