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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2024 year, number 3


Alyona S. Tretyakova1, Nikolay Yu. Grudanov1, Stepan A. Senator2, Denis S. Shilov3, Dmitriy A. Philippov1,4
1Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
3Interregional Department for Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources for the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk Regions “Glavrybvod”, Ekaterinburg, Russia
4Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters RAS, Borok, Russia
Keywords: flora of vascular plants, mires, rare species, Red Data Book, specially protected natural areas, Sverdlovsk region


The presented work contains the results of studying the floristic diversity of vascular plants in protected mires in the mountain part of the Sverdlovsk Region (Russia). The studies were carried out on six peat six mires: Shitovskoe, Malinovskoe, Paklinskoe, Moroshechnoe, Severka, Shaitanskoe. The article provides a list of discovered species of vascular plants. In total, 170 species of vascular plants, 10 subspecies and 3 hybrids belonging to 104 genera, 47 families, and 5 divisions were identified in the flora of the studied mires. The leading families in terms of the number of species are Cyperaceae (27 species), Rosaceae (15 species) and Ericaceae (12 species), the leading genera are Carex L. (21 species), Salix L. (9) and Rubus L. (6). A relatively low level of species similarity between the floristic lists of bogs under consideration was revealed. The greatest similarity was noted for the Paklinskoye and Severka mires. Рlurizonal and boreal species with a wide distribution (Holarctic, European-West Asian and Eurasian) dominate in the flora. Among the biomorphological groups, polycarpic herbs are of significant importance (63 %), of which 39 % are rhizomatous plants. In the studied mires, cenopopulations of some rare species included into the Red Data Book of the Sverdlovsk Region were revealed: Juncus stygius L., Corallorhiza trifida Châtel., Nymphaea candida J. Presl et C. Presl, Hammarbya paludosa (L.) Kuntze, Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó, Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. fuchsii (Druce) Hyl., Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br., Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. and Neottia ovata (L.) Bluff et Fingerh.