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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2024 year, number 3


Galina K. Zvereva1,2
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Siberian Federal Scientific Center of Agro-Bio Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoobsk, Russia
Keywords: Poaceae, festucoid grasses, leaves, glumes of spikelets, anatomy, chlorenchyma, cellular cells


The influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the anatomical structure of the chlorenchyme of leaf blades, as well as glumes of spikelet and flower at generative shoots of Koeleria pyramidata , Poa angustifolia , Agropyron cristatum and Bromus inermis (Poaceae) was studied. On the example of Koeleria pyramidata and Agropyron cristatum the comparison of the growing conditions, differing in precipitation and pasture load was carried out. At Poa angustifolia and Bromus inermis the effects of trampling were considered. The mesophyll of the leaves of Koeleria pyramidata and Poa angustifolia is composed of cells of simple shape, the chlorenchyma of the leaf blades of Agropyron crispatum and Bromus inermis , as well as the glumes of spikelet and flower of all species are made of cells of complex shape. At the same time in different habitats, the main features of assimilative tissue organization are preserved. For the leaves of Koeleria pyramidata , the possibility of restructuring the mesophyll structure in the conditions of a dry mountain steppe in comparison with a steppificated meadow was shown - from ventrodorsal to isolateral-palisade, close to isopalisade. In other species, the structure of the mesophyll of leaf blades is preserved in different habitats. Ecological adaptations of chlorenchyma of festucoid grasses to unfavorable growing conditions are mainly associated with a decrease in the height and thickness of assimilative cells of simple shape and sections of cellular cells, with their compaction, while a tendency to simplify the spatial configurations of cells of complex shape appears.