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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 4

Digital Mining Technologies: A Case-Study of Import Substitution Using Mining and Geological Systems MINEFRAME

S. V. Lukichev, O. V. Nagovitsyn
Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia
Keywords: Digital mining technologies, digital transformation, mining and geological information system, 3D models, digital platform, work place, import substitution, tech stack, basic function


The authors address a relevant problem connected with digital transformation of the mining industry toward import substitution and creation of a barrierless technology to operate digital data and models of objects of a mining technology with a view to solving tasks in geology, surveying and engineering. An important component of a barrierless technology is a single virtual digital space for the database translation when using program products based on different object models. Such technology is implementable through formation of a digital platform containing a basic function to operate object models in digital space and API-functions to integrate the created tools into this digital space. The requirements of the digital platform are to the largest degree met by the program products of mining and geological information systems. In the digital space of such systems, 3D modeling is performed and basic mining and geological problems are solved. The article formulates the main functionality standards of such digital platform and describes the current situation in creation of the platform using the mining and geological information system (MGIS) MINEFRAME at the Mining Institute, KSC RAS, and at MINEFRAME Laboratory LLC.