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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 4

Influence of Cutting Process And Cutting Tool Parameters on Loads in Cutting Hard Inclusions in Coal

V. Yu. Linnik, Yu. V. Linnik
State University of Management, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Cutting, hard inclusions, peak cutting forces, depth and width of cut, cutting pattern and velocity, shapes of cutting point and pick face, cutting angle


The experimental research assessed the influence exerted by the parameters of cutting process and cutting tool on the loads in cutting hard inclusions in rocks. It is found the in central cutting of hard inclusions, the maximal loads on a cutting pick depend on the width and depth of a cut, and on the cutting pattern, and are independent of the cutting velocity. The increase in the width of the cutting point of a cutting pick contributes to an increase in the peak and average-peak forces of cutting and feed, while the lateral loads in cutting hard inclusions by cutting picks with a flat face depend only on the depth of cut. The peak feed forces essentially depend on the shape of the cutting point of a cutting pick, and the cutting force depend on the angle of cutting. The decrease in the wedge angle of the face of a cutting pick reduces the peak forces of cutting and feed, while the lateral loads increase.