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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 4

The Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Force Chain Evolution in the Flow of Loose Ore Rock under an Isolation Layer

Qingfa Chen, Jun Liu, Enlin Long
Guangxi University, Nanning, China
Keywords: Granular medium, force chain characterization, orthogonal test, matrix analysis, parameter sensitivity


The ore drawing procedure of the synchronous filling shrinkage mining method is simulated using PFC software. Isolation layer thickness A, isolation layer interface friction factor B , ore particle friction factor C, particle radius D and wall friction factor E are chosen as the five influencing factors of the orthogonal test, along with the characteristics of the orthogonal test and force chain parameters. The findings demonstrate that the primary and secondary order of each factor impact on the orthogonal test index is D>C>A>E>B. The best test configuration was A1 B2 C3 D3 E3, with the relevant factors being thickness 0.003 m, isolation layer interface friction factor 0.5, particle friction factor 0.8, particle radius 0.008 m and wall friction factor 0.8.