Publishing House SB RAS:

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2024 year, number 4


O. V. Naumova, A. V. Tsarev, E. G. Zaytseva, A. Yu. Petin, Yu. A. Zhivodkov, S. A. Ponomarev, A. S. Yaroshevich
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: films, black aluminum, magnetron sputtering


In this study, the electrical, morphological, and optical properties of thin aluminum films obtained by magnetron sputtering on SiON are studied. It is found that the growth of Al films on SiON follows the Stransky─Krastanov mechanism. At the stage of 3D growth, films with a cluster structure of Al grains and a pit/pore size of up to 20-50 nm are formed. For multilayer porous Al/SiON stacks, absorption of up to ~82% in the range of 1-4.2 µm and a redshift with an increase in the number of layers are observed. The analysis of optical losses of porous Al films, carried out by numerical modeling, shows the presence of optical absorption bands with a linear increase in the position of the absorption maximum λmax at an increase in the thickness of the Al film, as well as a shift of λmax to the long-wavelength region with a decrease in the size of Al clusters and pores between them.