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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2024 year, number 4

Thermolysis of Fuel Oil in a Flow-Type Reactor over a Tin-Lead Melt

1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
2Irkutsk Oil Company LLC, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: thermolysis, fuel oil processing, flow reactor, tin-lead melt, distillate fractions


A technology for thermolytic processing of fuel oil over a tin-lead melt in a flow-type reactor is proposed. Methods for fuel oil processing at oil refineries are currently too complicated and cost-demanding, so the development of effective technologies for fuel oil processing is an urgent task. The main advantages of the proposed technology are rather low process temperature and pressure close to atmospheric. The technological parameters of the process are constant over all points of the reactor, which ensures high-quality products. The formation of carbon deposits on the reactor walls is essentially eliminated. The technological process occurs simultaneously with auxiliary and transport operations, which increases the productivity of the installation. It becomes possible to completely automate technological process, eliminating the use of manual labour and simplifying installation maintenance. A schematic diagram of the flow-type installation is presented. The results of experiments on the thermal cracking of fuel oil over a tin-lead melt, carried out using two versions of destructive distillation, are presented. The first version involves minimal withdrawal of thermal gas oil (31 %), while in the second version it is maximal (77 %). It has been shown that the content of gasoline fraction (b.p.-180 °С, where b.p. is initial boiling point) and diesel fraction (180-360 °С) in the thermal gas oil obtained according to the second version is lower than that obtained according to the first version. Thermal gas oils have a high content of aromatic compounds, which makes them a promising raw material for the production of needle coke.