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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 3

Change in the structure of waterfowl habitats in transgression conditions of Lake Khanka

Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: Lake Khanka, water level rise, remote sensing data, change detection, habitat categories


The Khankaiskiy State Naturfl Biosphere Reserve, located on the eastern, southern and western shores of Lake Khanka, includes five separate clusters. Since 2007, an extreme rise of the water level in the lake has been recorded, which reached a historical maximum in 2016. The study results of changes in the ratio of the main categories of habitat of flora and fauna species on the territory of the Khankaiskiy Natural Reserve in 2017 and 2020, after the rise of the water level, compared with 1990, when the nature reserve was founded. GIS layers were formed, displaying the distribution of habitat categories and their area characteristics for each period of time. The main source of information is remote sensing data for the corresponding periods. It was found that in 2020, water bodies occupied 42 % of the total area of protected areas, of which 33 % accounted for Lake Khanka, or by a factor of 4-5 times more than in 1990; swamps and meadows covered about 57 %, with a predominance of swamps; forest areas are confined to hilly terrain and, as before, occupied less than 1 % of the territory. It was found that the terrain portion of the Sosnovyi, Mel’gunovskii and Rechnoi clusters was almost completely covered with water; vast areas were flooded in the Zhuravlinyi and Chertovo Boloto clusters. Along the shores of Lake Khanka, death of plants, including shrubs and trees, has been noted. The multidirectional influence of changes in nesting habitats on the population of birds was noted.