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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2024 year, number 4

Calculation of Shockless Compression of Metals up to 40 Mbar under Magnetic Implosion of Liners

A. M. Buiko
Russian Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Russia
Keywords: disk explosive magnetic generator, magnetic implosion of cylindrical liners, shockless compression of metals, one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic calculations


This paper presents the results of calculations of liner implosion without the formation of shock waves under the influence of a current up to 70 MA and a magnetic field induction up to 20 MGs (magnetic pressure up to 16 Mbar) in devices with a disk explosive magnetic generator. It is shown that during deep implosion of two-layer (Cu-W) and (Cu-Ta) liners, the shockless pressure in tungsten and tantalum can reach 40 Mbar (hydrodynamic cumulation). The inner part of the liner, whose mass is more than 32% of its total mass, may remain in a solid-state dynamically strengthened state at a temperature of its copper skin layer up to 38 eV.