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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2024 year, number 9

Typomorphic and Technological Characteristics of Quartz of the Mica-Pegmatite Formation on the Example of the Berkutinskaya Vein (South Urals)

M.A. Korekina1, A.N. Savichev1, N.N. Ankusheva1,2, E.A. Pankrushina3, D.A. Artemyev1,2
1South Ural Federal Scientific Center of Mineralogy and Environmental Geology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Miass, Russia
2South Ural State University, Miass, Russia
3A.N. Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: Quartz, impurity-elements, enrichment, fluid inclusions, South Urals


Understanding the origin of quartz veins of the mica-pegmatite formation is of great importance for deciphering the emplacement conditions for the of commercially prospective quartz targets. On the example of the Berkutinskaya vein, which is the typical metamorphogenic quartz deposit of the mica-pegmatite formation of the South Urals, we study the source and origin of the mineral-forming fluid, temperatures of quartz formation, the structure of intergranular boundaries, their morphometric feature, the fractal dimension of quartz grains and commercial characteristics of quartz grit. An integrated approach to the study of the typomorphic features of quartz allowed us to assess their impact on the technological characteristics of quartz concentrates. Comparison of data on the content of impurity elements in the Berkutinskaya quartz vein with quartz of the vein No. 175 of OOO Russian Quartz and IOTA-std (Sibelco) showed that the Berkutinskaya quartz vein is promising for commercial development.