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Advanced Search

Numerical Analysis and Applications

2024 year, number 3

How a unitoid matrix loses its unitoidness?

Kh.D. Ikramov1, Ali Mohammad Nazari2
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2Arak University, Arak, Iran
Keywords: congruence transformation, canonical form, cosquare, unitoid matrix, canonical angles


A unitoid is a square matrix that can be brought to diagonal form by a congruence transformation. Among different diagonal forms of a unitoid A, there is only one, up to the order adopted for the principal diagonal, whose nonzero diagonal entries all have the modulus 1. It is called the congruence canonical form of A, while the arguments of the nonzero diagonal entries are called the canonical angles of A. If A is nonsingular then its canonical angles are closely related to the arguments of the eigenvalues of the matrix A-∗A, called the cosquare of A. Although the definition of a unitoid reminds the notion of a diagonalizable matrix in the similarity theory, the analogy between these two matrix classes is misleading. We show that the Jordan block Jn(1), which is regarded as an antipode of diagonalizability in the similarity theory, is a unitoid. Moreover, its cosquare Cn(1) has n distinct unimodular eigenvalues. Then we immerse Jn(1) in the family of the Jordan blocks Jn(λ), where λ is varying in the range (0,2]. At some point to the left of 1, Jn(λ) is not a unitoid any longer. Wediscuss this moment in detail in order to comprehend how it can happen. Similar moments with even smaller λ are discussed, and certain remarkable facts about the eigenvalues of cosquares and their condition numbers are pointed out.