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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2024 year, number 2

Experimental studies of the icing effect on flow kinematics and power parameters of wind generator blades using laser Doppler anemometry methods

V.G. Meledin, I.K. Kabardin, S.V. Dvoynishnikov, K.I. Stepanov, D.G. Mukhin, M.R. Gordienko, S.V. Kakaulin, V.E. Ledovsky, K.S. Zubanov, V.O. Zuev, N.I. Yavorsky, G.V. Bakakin
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: kinematic characteristics, laser Doppler anemometry, icing, power characteristics, blade, wind generators


The effect of icing on the kinematic and power parameters of the working element of a wind generator blade was experimentally studied using a modified laser Doppler anemometry method. Arctic conditions were modeled in a specially designed aerodynamic climatic setup based on an optically transparent plexiglass tube with a square cross-section of 200×200 mm with the following parameters: flow velocity of up to 20 m/s, temperature of up to - 20°C, and relative humidity of up to 90%. The flow was saturated with moisture by fine aerosol generators. Aerosol generator flows were optimized using laser Doppler anemometry. The following parameters were measured: flow velocities at distances of up to 400 mm behind the trailing edge of the blade and power characteristics of the blade element subjected to icing. The effect of icing on aerodynamic and power characteristics is shown.