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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2024 year, number 8

Magnetotelluric Observations in the Caspian Sea

V.V. Belyavsky1, A.G. Yakovlev1,2, D.V. Yakovlev2,3
1Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Geoelectromagnetic Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
3ООО Severo-Zapad, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Three-dimensional mathematical modeling, electrical resistivity, subsea magnetotelluric sounding, one-dimensional inversion


To study the geological structure in the search for raw hydrocarbons within the Volga delta and the Caspian Sea, two intersecting profiles of magnetotelluric sounding were performed. The analysis of geoelectric sections based on the one-dimensional inversion of the initial and normalized invariant curves of apparent resistance showed that it is necessary to use methods of three-dimensional mathematical modeling to form reliable geoelectric models. Their initial construction necessary for the three-dimensional interpretation of invariant apparent resistance curves was carried out taking into account their one-dimensional inversion. The resulting model, including the lower structural part, is constructed by the method of interactive matching to the apparent resistance curves of model curves calculated according to the program of three-dimensional mathematical modeling. This approach made it possible to take into account the influence of local galvanic distortions on the apparent resistance curves when evaluating the distribution of electrical conductivity in the lower parts of the subsea deposits. As a result of the integrated interpretation of magnetotelluric data, blocks with increased conductivity have been identified in the subsea deposits of the Northern Caspian Sea, which are most likely associated with high fluid saturation of Cretaceous and Neogene sediments. Their position correlates with the regional discontinuous structures of the region.