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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2024 year, number 8

Bio-, Lithostratigraphic and Geochemical Markers of Global Events in the Upper Devonian of the South of Western Siberia and their Value for Inter-regional Correlations

O.P. Izokh1,2,3, N.G. Izokh1, B.M. Popov1, S.V. Saraev1
1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
3V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Сonodonts, ostracods, isotopes, carbon, oxygen, carbonates, Frasnian and Famennian stages, lithology of carbonate deposits, events, Western Siberia


Upper Devonian carbonate reef complexes have been studied on the territory of the Kolyvan-Tom’ Folded Area in sections in the right bank of Tom’ River. Facies analysis of the exposed part of the reef complex indicates the predominance of fore-reef and continental margin depositional environments of a tectonically active margin. The identified conodont associations are represented by cosmopolitan representatives of the genera Ancyrodella , Ancyrolepis , Icriodus , Mehlina , Palmatolepis , Polygnathus and “ Polylophodonta ” suggesting a correlation with the punctata - jamieae , rhenana - linguiformis , triangularis and Lower crepida conodont zones. The largest conodont diversity occurs at the triangularis / crepida boundary. Biofacies analysis of ostracod distribution has led to identification of characteristic associations and their restriction to certain parts of the palaeobasin. Substage boundaries yielded ostracods with both smooth and ornamented shells. In the lower part of the substages, smooth forms predominate, whereas the middle and upper parts of the substages are characterised by forms with tuberculate and reticulated surface. Hollinella valentinae Beds were traced in the Upper Frasnian Solomino Formation, and Acratia granuliformis Beds were traced in the Lower Famennian Kosoy Utyos and lower Mitikha members. Isotope geochemistry of the Upper Devonian sections of the south of Western Siberia reveals Frasnian global events - the Middlesex/ Punctata and the Upper Kellwasser, their stratigraphic position confirmed by palaeontological data, as well by as the globally expressed negative carbon isotope anomaly. These boundaries are marked by changes in depositional regime reflecting sea-level eustatic fluctuations, which are complemented with faunal changes.