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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2024 year, number 6

Analysis of monitoring data for long-term air pollution with benzo(a)pyrene in Irkutsk

V.F. Raputa, A.A. Lezhenin
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: atmosphere, pollution, benzo(a)pyrene, observation post, monitoring, frequency of calms


Experimental studies of the composition of atmospheric air are the basis for subsequent numerical analysis of pollution processes and management decisions to improve the quality of the urban environment. The processes of long-term air pollution in Irkutsk and the influence of calm conditions on them are studied. An analysis of linear correlations between the measurements of monthly average concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene at stationary posts for monitoring the composition of atmospheric air in the city is performed. It is shown that the results of intra-annual pairwise measurements at posts, in general, are proportionally correlated to each other. The relationships between benzo(a)pyrene concentrations and calm conditions were studied. A correlation between its high concentrations in winter and the frequency of calm weather conditions is revealed. The established patterns create opportunities for external monitoring of observation results at stationary monitoring posts in the city. The derived dependencies allow you to numerically fill gaps in observational data. The results can be used when planning measures to improve the quality of atmospheric air and constructing models for assessing concentration fields.