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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2024 year, number 3

Energy assessment methodology ecosystems of the first floodplain terrace of the Ushayka river (Tomsk region)

I. G. Grachev
Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: organic matter, fractional estimation, energy approach, energy potential, total energy


The analysis of modern scientific ideas has shown that there is no consensus on the definition of the energy of organic matter in ecosystems, and current methods need to be detailed. The article presents the results of the application of the method of component-by-component assessment of the amount of energy of the organic matter of the ecosystem using the energy approach. The methodology is the determination of energy indicators for pools of phytomass, mortmass and soils, as well as the study of the main energy sources involved in the formation of the ecosystem. The research was carried out on the first above-floodplain terrace of the right coast of the Ushayka River in the Tomsk region. The materials for testing the technique were obtained in the field on a scale at the level of landscape facies. In laboratory conditions, the energy potential was calculated by methods of determining the heat of combustion during direct combustion using a calorimeter for fractions of model wood, phytomass and mortmass. According to the results of the study, the main sources of energy for the ecosystem are the Sun and precipitation, which provide 3.357∙109 J/m2/year. The total amount of energy of the organic matter of the ecosystem at the moment, representing its energy potential, is 1.523∙1013 J/ha, of which the energy potential of grass cover phytomass is 55.01∙109 J/ha, common pine tree stands - 1.29∙1013 J/ha, mortmass - 43.058∙109 J, soils - 6.754∙1012 J. The results of the work carried out can be applied to agriculture, territorial zoning, monitoring, recreation, creation of special ecological zones.