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Region: Economics and Sociology

2024 year, number 2


M.A. Uksusov, E.V. Aleksandrova
Murmansk Arctic University, Murmansk, Russia
Keywords: Arctic, youth, Arctic youth, social community, social activism, media image


This study examines the image and thematic areas of youth social activism forming within the information landscape of Arctic regions. Through the analysis of online publications, the authors aim to delineate the attributes of social activism among young individuals in Arctic communities. The findings of the study yield the following insights. First, the image of social activism among Arctic youth primarily stems from mass media and governmental sources, lacking representation from any websites of educational institutions, scientific bodies, non-profit organizations, or business ventures. Second, event-based and episodic initiatives prevail, which does not depict best practices of social activism and their societal contributions. Third, prominent themes encompass multifaceted cultural and professional events, suggesting a sense of identity among Arctic youth, yet coverage of youth entrepreneurship, research, journalism, blogging, volunteering, leisure, IT, and project activities is scant or nonexistent. Forth, information on youth social activism tends to spotlight regional endeavors, while initiatives at national and interregional levels often highlight activities beyond the Arctic region. These conclusions are complemented by conjectures regarding potential causes and repercussions of the identified phenomena, approached from sociological and sociolinguistic perspectives.