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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

Analysis of Undermined Ground Surface Movements at the Atasu Iron Ore Deposit

F. K. Nizametdinov1, A. K. Satbergenova2, D. S. Ozhigin1, B. Reznik3, R. F. Nizametdinov1
1Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology (Berliner Hochschule fГјr Technik), Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Atasu deposit, aerial survey, geometric levelling, ground surface displacements, reference points and benchmarks, 3D ground surface model


The geomechanical monitoring system of ground surface in the area of the Atasu Iron Mine lease is described. The actual undermined ground surface is examined using drone photogravimetry. The sources of ground deformation are determined from independent measurements within a created temporal reference test site aligned with GNSS coordinates. High-precision geometric levelling is accomplished using metal benchmarks set as three levelling lines along and across the strike of ore bodies with a view to revealing rock mass movements in the course of underground mining.