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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

Determination of Informative Frequency Range in Seismic Noise in the Method of Remote Appraisal of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

I. Ya. Chebotareva
Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Seismic background noise, oil, gas, rocks, thermodynamic indicator, bicoherence, surrogate time series


The article describes a solution to the problem connected with the earlier proposed method of remote appraisal of hydrocarbon reservoirs by passive seismic. It is shown that a linearity only appears in a certain frequency range and fails fast when the latter expands. It is found that the linearity is connected with the non-Gaussian behavior of seismic noise in the isolated specific frequency range. The author proposes a method to asses an informative frequency range using experimental data, polyspectral analysis and surrogate time series.