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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

Magnetic Hydrocycloning of Weakly Magnetic Mineral Slime

A. A. Lavrinenko, P. A. Sysa
Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources-IPKON, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Magnetic hydrocyclone, slime, magnetite, iron ore material beneficiation, flux density, iron content, iron recovery


The authors validate the use of magnetic hydrocycloning in extraction of weak magnetic-responsive slime particles from finely dispersed magnetic suspension. Efficiency of a lab-scale magnetic hydrocyclone with regular electromagnetic system of copper wires on the cone, without superconductive materials involved, in extraction of magnetite particles -20 µm in size is described. The test results prove recoverability of hematite and other weakly magnetic minerals in magnetic hydrocycloning at the required flux density of 2-10 T created by a superconductive magnetic system under conditions of cooling at the liquid nitrogen temperature, which minimizes energy intake of magnetic separation. The use of the superconductive magnetic system and high-temperature materials on the hydrocyclone cone enables efficient extraction of weakly magnetic particles, for instance, red mud -10 µm in size.