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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

Bench Testing of Borehole Electromagnetic Impulsive Source of Vibrations

A. O. Kordubailo, B. F. Simonov, A. A. Leutkin
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Borehole vibration source, electromagnetic impact drive, hydraulic power unit, automated shut-off, protection system, fluid pressure, current, voltage


A bench tester is designed for the examination and investigation of a borehole impulsive source of vibrations, composed of an electromagnetic impact block and hydraulic power units. The bench tester simulates operation of the vibration source in an oil well, at the depths greater than 1000 m, with automated pressure control in the system. The implemented research allowed reaching the failure-free operation time of the vibration source in the well up to 150 h and longer, determining the ranges of the impact frequency and energy adjustment depending on the feed voltage, and recommending the operating frequency of the source to ensure proofness of cement stone of the well casing. The obtained nomograms enable correlating the maximal duty cycle of the borehole impulsive vibration source with the coil current density and the heat transfer coefficient to maintain temperature balance of the hammer at permissible temperature of electromagnets.