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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

Investigation and Design of Hydropercussion Mechanisms for Operative Attachments of Mining Machines

L. V. Gorodilov1, D. I. Simisinov2, A. N. Korovin1, V. G. Kudryavtsev1
1Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: Hydraulic excavator, operative attachment, hydropercussion mechanism, operational cycle, impact capacity


For the operative bucket of a 2nd size-group hydraulic excavator, the impact capacity of percussion mechanisms, required for cutting rocks with the compression strength up to 60-80 MPa, is determined. The structure and parameters of hydropercussion mechanisms are chosen. The proposed inter-connection for the hydropercussion mechanisms and the hydraulic power station contains activation valves for each of the mechanisms, and a pressure reducing valve at the inlet. A simulation model of the system of hydropercussion mechanisms is built, and the performance and characteristics of the model are calculated at different rates of power fluids and pressures of the reducing valve. The authors prove the efficiency of the proposed design and connection of hydropercussion mechanisms in the excavator hydraulics and validate the adjustability of the impact capacity of the mechanisms through setting-up of pressure of the reducing valve.