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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

Improvement of Gold-Bearing Sand Mining and Processing at Structurally Complex Placers

A. Yu. Cheban
Institute of Mining, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia
Keywords: Structurally complex block, high-grade sand areas, separate processing, sluice box beneficiation, heap leaching, resource saving


Equipment of open pit placer mining is examined. The process designs of incremental end-to-end gold recovery from placer sands are substantiated. In structurally complex extraction blocks, stripping is carried out first, and then, the limits of rich sand pockets are adjusted during the second-phase denser-grid exploration. Different-grade sands are extracted selectively. Extraction and transport of standard-grade and low-grade sands, which are the bulk of an operating block, is implemented by heavy-duty bulldozes; the standard-grade sands are sent to sluicing, and the low-grade sands are used to make heap leaching piles. High-grade sands, which make a small volume of an operating block, are transported to a multi-stage processing facility for the high-efficiency gold recovery. Tailings of standard-grade and high-grade sand processing, with mainly fine and very fine gold content, go to heap leaching.