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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

Abrasiveness Assessment of Geomaterials by Parameters of Acoustic Emission in Disintegration

A. S. Voznesensky, S. V. Mazein, V. V. Prishchepov, Ya. O. Kutkin
National University of Science and Technology-NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Abrasiveness, soil, tunnel boring machines, cutting tool, wear


The authors assess abrasiveness of sand with continuous acoustic emission recording during LCPC test with crushing of a 500 g sample by a straight wheel in a metal barrel. The informative parameters are the acoustic emission spectra averaged over a number of instances at different times of crushing, and over six frequency bands from 2 to 500 kHz. The obtained coefficients of multiple regression coefficients allow calculating wear of a cutting tool and the LCPC abrasion coefficient LAC for different crushing times by the averaged amplitudes of the AE spectrum components. This method is applicable in tunnel boring, hole drilling and other practices involved in real-time control of ground abrasiveness and wear of cutting tools to be replaced in a timely manner.