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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

Subsidence Analysis for Old Abandoned Board and Pillar Coal Mines Using ANSYS and Monte Carlo Simulation

Avchar Akhil1, Kumar Pal Samir2, Kumar Tripathi Anup1, Kumar Gyandeep2
1National Institute of Technology (NIT), Karnataka, India
2Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal State, India
Keywords: Subsidence, board and pillar coal mines, factor of safety, Monte Carlo Simulation, ANSYS analysis, finite element method, pillar strength


This research paper will cover the possible causes which can lead to subsidence above old abandoned board and pillar coal mines at a shallow depth. The research includes the calculation and analysis of the factor of safety for pillars using ANSYS and Monte Carlo Simulations for ascertaining subsidence. An old abandoned coal mine of South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (SECL, a subsidiary of Coal India Limited) was considered for the study of coal pillar fatigue and eventual crushing of pillars over a long duration of time, simulation analysis of stress and strength of coal pillars over a long period, change in behavior of factor of safety as the dimension of the pillars changes.