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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 3

An Approach to Modeling Troughs of Ground Movements at High Gradients of Subsidence

A. A. Baryakh, N. A. Samodelkina
Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia
Keywords: Mineral mining, ground subsidence, movement trough, rock mass, mathematical modeling, stress-strain behavior


Within the framework of the elastoplastic model, the authors propose a theoretical description procedure for troughs of ground movements at high gradients of subsidence. The approach uses reduction of shear modulus in rock mass bordering a movement trough. The pre-requisite for the shear modulus reduction in such areas is the increased mining-induced pressure, which initiates damage and aggravates the defect structure of rocks through widening of micro-cracks, inter-grain contacts, etc. The estimation procedure of the induced reduction factor for the shear modulus uses the comparative analysis of ground slopes. This approach enables a reliable calculation of ground movements at high gradients of subsidence, and ensures the adequate stress-strain analysis of undermined rock mass, including location of plastic deformation zones.