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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2024 year, number 4

Liquid-Phase Reactions During Catalytic Decomposition of Single-Component Rocket Propellants

N. T. Yaroshenko, A. V. Shveikin, T. V. Volkova
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:81:"Russian Scientific Center «Applied Chemistry» (GIPH), St. Petersburg, Russia";}
Keywords: single-component propellant, porous catalyst, two-phase flow, capillary forces, physicochemical and mathematical models


The single-component propellants hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide are widely used in rocketry. Their use is associated with the development of catalysts that initiate ignition and combustion of propellants upon simple contact with the catalyst without prior heating. It is obvious that the initial step of ignition is the liquid-phase decomposition of a single-component fuel on a catalyst. Otherwise, the propellants simply could not ignite. Physicochemical and mathematical models of the liquid-phase catalytic decomposition and subsequent ignition of a single-component propellant in a granular catalyst layer are proposed.