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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2024 year, number 4

Review of Mathematical Models for Calculation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Fuel

K. D. Tsapenkov, Yu. G. Kuraeva, E. I. Sidorova, A. E. Shtyrlov, I. A. Zubrilin
Samara University, Samara, Russia
Keywords: physicochemical properties, emissions of harmful substances, biofuels, calculation methods, fatty acid esters


Aircraft engines are a source of significant greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2. Due to the tightening of emission standards, ways to reduce CO2 emissions from aviation are being sought. One of the most promising ways to achieve this goal is the use of fuels from renewable sources, such as plant materials. To simulate the working process of combustion chambers of aircraft engines when burning biofuels and their mixtures with petroleum fuels, knowledge of the physicochemical properties of such fuels is required. This paper provides a review of existing methods for calculating the physicochemical properties of oxygen-containing biofuels, including esters, alcohols and ketones. The presented methods are validated on substances acting as bioadditives to aviation fuel and analyzed in terms of calculation accuracy and ease of use for studying the working process in combustion chambers.