Investigation of multiple cyclic pressure loading on the service life and sorption performance of a composite sorbent
V.N. Zinoviev, I.V. Kazanin, V.M. Fomin
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: composite sorbent, cyclic pressure loading, microspheres, permeability, helium, sorption performance
The paper describes an experimental study of the influence of multiple cyclic pressure loading on the service life and sorption performance of a composite sorbent whose granules consist of selectively permeable (to helium) microspheres as a filler and pseudoboehmite as a porous binder. A test bench is specially designed and fabricated for the study, which makes it possible to model various operation regimes of gas-separation plants in the pressure range up to 10 MPa. Cyclic tests of pressure loading of the granulated composite sorbent are performed, and the sorption capacity of the sorbent with respect to helium is measured. It is found that the composite sorbent retains its integrity and sorption performance under cyclic loading of 1000 cycles and more at pressures up to 10 MPa.