Features of the cross-correlation characteristics of disturbances in the supersonic boundary layer of the plate at the influence of a pair of weak shock waves on the leading edge
L.V. Afanasev, A.A. Yatskikh, A.D. Kosinov, N.V. Semionov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: boundary layer, correlation measurements, square of the coherence function, the N-wave
The results of experimental measurements are presented to assess the correlation characteristics of disturbances in the boundary layer of a flat plate with a sharp leading edge and pulsations of the incoming flow in cases of natural pulsations and influence of an N-wave for Mach 2 on the leading edge. The parameters of the cross-correlation of signals from two constant-temperature anemometry (CTA) are obtained digitally. The frequency ranges with apparent correlation between the mass flow rate pulsations measured by the probes are determined.