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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2024 year, number 3

New Components of Low-Viscosity Marine Fuel Based on Low-Value and By-products of Oil Refining

1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
2SC “Angarsk Petrochemical Company”, Angarsk, Russia
Keywords: low-viscosity marine fuel, straight-run medium distillate fractions, light catalytic cracking gas oil, diesel fractions, light delayed-coking gas oil, vacuum distillates


A comprehensive study of the hydrocarbon composition and physicochemical properties of by-products of oil refining and petrochemistry was carried out to search for new low-margin components of low-viscosity marine fuel (LMF) and to optimize the fuel composition for expanding the raw material base of LMF. The possibility of involving the heavy fractions from primary and secondary oil refining in LMF has been established: 10-12 % higher-weight diesel fraction, 47-60 % straight-run medium distillate fraction, 2-10 % heavy diesel fraction, 35% vacuum distillate, 10 % still residue from hydrogenation units, 4-10 % light catalytic cracking gas oil. A method has been found for obtaining a new component of LMF - a fraction boiling within 180-270 °C, obtained from oil refining wastes after their dehydration and fractionation in the yield of up to 30 %, the involvement of which in LMF (5 %) will give an economic effect of about 7 million roubles per year. Mathematical modelling was used to optimize the composition of fuel from the main and by-products, taking into account the production volumes and the actual values of critical indicators of each component. A method has been found for obtaining a new component of LMF - a fraction boiling within 180-270 °C, obtained from oil refining wastes after their dehydration and fractionation in the yield of up to 30 %, the involvement of which in LMF (5 %) will give an economic effect of about 7 million roubles per year. Mathematical modelling was used to optimize the composition of fuel from the main and by-products, taking into account the production volumes and the actual values of critical indicators of each component.