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2024 year, number 3


V. V. Malyy1,2, M. S. Gubin1,2, A. S. Kostyukhin2, A. V. Fedorov1,2, I. Y. Kinzhagulov1,2
1National Research University ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Institution of Science "Engineering and Design Center for Support of Space Technology Operation,", St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: nondestructive testing, ultrasonic testing, soldered joint testing, engine nozzle testing, automated nondestructive testing, creation of an automated system


Various issues of development of an algorithm for motion of the measuring module of an automated system for nondestructive quality testing of the soldered joints of the engine nozzle are discussed. The object of testing is identified as that with a complex geometric shape with flaws in the soldered joints of the test object formed during the manufacturing process. The defects studied in this paper are the “dry joint,” “partially dry joint,” and “cold lap.” The relevance of the development, as well as the problems of production and testing of engine nozzles, which do not allow the required defects to be identified at the early stages of manufacturing assembly units without destroying the integrity of the engine nozzle, are substantiated. The existing approaches are described in terms of the choice of methods and means for nondestructive testing of engine nozzles of complex geometric shapes; their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The existing problems in terms of automation of the pulse-echo and through-transmission methods of ultrasonic testing are analysed; the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed methods are identified. The main factors that reduce the probability of detecting defects are determined, namely, the instability of the acoustic contact between the transducer and the test object, as well as the deviation of the acoustic axis of the transducer from the normal to the surface of the test object. The requirements to the algorithm of motion of the measuring module of an automated nondestructive testing system with feedback based on the signal amplitude measured during scanning the signals from the structural elements of the internal structure of the engine nozzle are determined.