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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

Interactive video technology as a means of developing skills of foreign language professionally oriented communication in the context of digitalization of education

E. A. Melnikova, A. V. Soboleva, O. A. Obdalova
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: interactive video technology, foreign-language professional communication, digitalization of education, social network, development of foreign-language speaking skills


Introduction. In order to study the problem of finding an effective means of foreign language training for students of non-linguistic areas in a professionally oriented context, modern means of the digital environment are used, as well as testing the effectiveness and versatility of new technologies. The research methodology is based on analytical methods of subjectivism in the interpretation of interactive video technology. The general scientific basis is a set of leading approaches: personal-activity-based, professionally oriented, competency-based and technological, from the standpoint of which learning will acquire a pronounced focus. The authors have developed and scientifically substantiated an educational technology for developing foreign language skills in professionally oriented communication based on interactive video technology. Interactive video technology is considered in the context of project activities to create a video as a virtual report at an English-language professionally oriented conference. The entire educational process is built around this didactic core. The content of this activity is described, including the preparation, selection and analysis of materials adequate for professional and communicative purposes; developing a script for your video fragment; choosing a method for implementing a video creation project; editing and dubbing video in a foreign language and uploading it to the digital educational environment as a video report for a conference. A definition of interactive video technology is given, which acts as a multimedia teaching tool, with the help of which video materials and tools of digital social resources are used to create an interactive educational environment and community space for the Dive into Science conference on the VKontakte social network. Discussion. Interactive video technology: 1) creates conditions for intensifying educational and cognitive activity and active communication, stimulates student interaction with the content and among themselves through interactivity and multimodality; 2) makes a tool for personal self-realization and development of the ability of foreign language professionally oriented communication of students based on the creation of videos. Conclusion. The results of approbation have proved the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed technology in the development of foreign language professionally oriented communication skills in a digital environment.