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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

Value-knowledge and methodological resource of aesthetic and projective cycle disciplines in the development of architectural and artistic thinking

D. N. Demenev, E. K. Podobreeva, D. D. Hismatullina
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: architectural and artistic space, synthesis of arts, value, knowledge, methodology, resource, concept of complementarity, integrated thinking


Introduction. Trends in the development of society at the beginning of the 21st century. indicate the integrative nature of knowledge that shapes the consciousness of human society as a whole. The development of architectural and artistic integrated thinking, which allows us to understand complex historical processes, is becoming relevant. In order to draw attention to the value-knowledge and methodological resource of the disciplines of the aesthetic and projective cycle in the development of this type of thinking, an appropriate a methodology that is based on a set of theoretical and empirical approaches, including analysis of literature, a dialectical approach to historical and art reconstruction. The core of the study is the phenomenon of synthesis of plastic arts, in which the main link is architecture (architecture), which forms a comfortable and aestheticized spatial environment. Discussion. For many centuries, the role of architectural and artistic education in the development of integrated thinking has been decisive and undeniable. The information-digital and technological era provides great advantages (in speed and visualization of the logic of art and other processes and phenomena of reality). The novelty of the research is the presented project model and the implementation of the methodology for the development of integrated, architectural and artistic thinking. Within the framework of the set goals and objectives of the project, the interaction of painting and architecture was realized, which has a multifaceted, emotionally rich, aesthetic impact on a person. Conclusion. The analysis of the synthesis of arts through the prism of the concept of complementarity confirms that architectural and artistic space throughout the history of the development of human civilization continues to remain one of the main means of aesthetic transformation of reality and cultural progress. This, in turn, determines and confirms the need for a comprehensive, integrative approach in architectural and artistic education to realize the resource of the disciplines of the aesthetic and projective cycle, allowing the formation of integrated thinking in which the value, knowledge and methodological components are fused together.